Baca Komik Karya Tony Wong Comics
Ada mereka Sebelum Naruto, One Piece, comic toon. Dan salah satu cara buat bikin orang suka baca yg efektif, ya lewat komik. Filmnya sendiri diangkat dari komik Longhumen karya Tony Wong, yang konon adalah remake dari. Tony Wong Jual Komik Lama / Bekas (Second) dan Buku Lama / Bekas (Second ). Foto Jual komik bekas Karya Tony Wong judul Long Hu Men 1-175 Tamat. Komik Serial Cantik MnC Level Comic Tiga Lancar Real Comic DSB. Yang Anda beli masih dalam kondisi sangat layak baca, dan jika tidak puas, kami.
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Although tony wong's comic was fun for the first time you read, through time, its become so lame, like never ending stories, the price comes too high to get a good selling in indonesia, and then just stopped there. Why it was populer and become a bestseller in hong kong (they make a movie based on this comic too), because the lee's (bruce lee) era ('70 or '80), when almost every cinema show the lee's movies, and people were very enthusiasm with martial art. Tiger wong were publish once a week or although tony wong's comic was fun for the first time you read, through time, its become so lame, like never ending stories, the price comes too high to get a good selling in indonesia, and then just stopped there. Why it was populer and become a bestseller in hong kong (they make a movie based on this comic too), because the lee's (bruce lee) era ('70 or '80), when almost every cinema show the lee's movies, and people were very enthusiasm with martial art. Tiger wong were publish once a week or even everyday in daily comic (like a newspaper, only its contain 90% comic strip), and the price was cheap enough. The story was bloodies for the first time,and then it get a censorship from the goverment. This is one reason that hong kong comic (manhua) could survived the manga from japan, the story, quality, and the price can be accepted by manhua readers.
The other reason was the nationality and comics pirated. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Tony Wong Yuk-Long (Wong Jan-Lung), is a Hong Kong based Manhua artist, publisher and actor who wrote and created Little Rascals (later re-titled Oriental Heroes) and Weapons of the Gods. He also wrote adaptations of Louis Cha's (a.k.a. ) Wuxia novels such as The Return of the Condor Heroes (retitled as Legendary From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Tony Wong Yuk-Long (Wong Jan-Lung), is a Hong Kong based Manhua artist, publisher and actor who wrote and created Little Rascals (later re-titled Oriental Heroes) and Weapons of the Gods. He also wrote adaptations of Louis Cha's (a.k.a. ) Wuxia novels such as The Return of the Condor Heroes (retitled as Legendary Couples), Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, and Ode to Gallantry.