Baranov Lingvisticheskaya Ekspertiza Teksta Pdf
25 Baranov, Lingvisticheskaya ekspertiza teksta: teoriia i praktika: uchebnoe posobie [Linguistic Investigation], 463. Kara-Murza, “Lingvisticheskaia ekspertiza kak protsedura politicheskoi lingvistiki” [Linguistic investigation as a procedure of political linguistics], Politicheskaia lingvistika, no 7 ( 2009), 49.
The text category of modality plays a major role in any text organization. It helps to express the author's viewpoint and form the reader's perception in a definite way. Modern journalistic discourse is characterized not only by provision of information for readers, but also by formation of a certain attitude with them; with that the affecting function often takes the form of manipulation. The text category of modality plays an important role in it and reveals itself in the choice and use of various modal means that reinforce pragmatic potential of the text. The press, as a rule, responds actively to changes happening in the world. Newspaper text becomes an information transmission channel with a certain vision of reality. Journalese discourse is of particular interest because it is the newspaper, who is a mediator between the world of reality and the individual human consciousness.
To express “the authorship” in the newspaper text is fundamental to the journalist, as its main goal is to openly get his thoughts, his views and assessments across to the reader. Therefore, the authorization degree here is extremely high and the author’s modality is always explicit. The object of this article is to consider modality as a text-forming category in journalistic discourse, to identify functioning peculiarities of modality expression media enhancing pragmatic potential of the text. Keywords • • modality • • Mass Media discourse • • textual modality • • subjective modality.
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Aor ar 8600 mk2 review. A wide frequency coverage is available from 530 kHz to 3000 MHz (less cellular) with actual minimum acceptable frequency of 100 kHz.
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