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Memeo autosync v.3.60.7123 cracked, memeo autosync v.3.60.7123 crack. Memeo autosync v.3.60.7123 download free mac, memeo autosync v.3.60.7123. This article is for informational purposes only and no longer being updated by Seagate. Memeo Premium - AutoSync Features This article hosts information regarding Memeo AutoSync features.
Please choose the most relevant link below. Creating a Sync Plan To create a new Sync plan, follow the instructions listed below. Note: Sync is an option that is provided with FreeAgent Pro or Slim drives.
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Memeo Sync can be for an additional fee for products other than Pro or Slim. • To create a sync plan, click the Create Sync Plan option on the left side of the Memeo AutoSync main application window. --OR-- Right-click on the Memeo AutoSync icon in your system tray, and click the Create Sync Plan option. • When the Welcome screen appears, click Next to continue.
• On the Select a Destination screen, specify the pair of folders (preferably on [My] Computer and one on a destination device) that Memeo AutoSync will synchronize. Use the Browse button/s to quickly locate the folders. • Click Next to continue. Memeo AutoSync will scan the folders. Note: After the initial sync plan is processed, new and updated files are automatically copied both directions and renames and deletes of folder and documents on either side are repeated on the other side.. Changes will be updated and tracked whenever you insert your device. The entire sync process is automatic, bidirectional and symmetrical.
• On the Confirm Selections screen, you will see each folder's number of files as well as size. To change a folder, click Back.
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To confirm the folders, click Next. • In the Enter Sync Plan Name text box, enter a unique name or description that identifies the sync plan, and then click Next. • When the Memeo AutoSync Configuration Wizard notifies you that your sync plan was successfully set up, click Done. Note: You only have to create an initial sync plan once. Memeo AutoSync will automatically synchronize the pair of folders every time files are added or changed. A pop-up message will display in the bottom left corner, notifying you when syncs are completed.
Verify Sync Plan During the verification process, Memeo AutoSync will perform a ' Sync Now' operation on each sync plan. This feature is especially useful for network storage users who may need to verify syncs, for example, when they are disconnected and somebody manually makes changes to that folder.
To verify a sync, locate the main Memeo AutoSync application window, and click the Verify Syncs option from the Actions menu. Pausing sync plans There may be times when you want to pause sync plans for a period of time. For instance, you may not want to synchronize a folder until you have finished working on all the files. To pause a sync plan, right-click on the Memeo AutoSync icon in your system tray and then click Pause Sync Jobs, or on the left side of the main application window, you may click Pause All Syncs. When you pause the sync plan(s), Memeo AutoSync saves a list of all the files that have been added/changed/deleted and will synchronize them when you resume by clicking Resume All Syncs on the main application window or right-clicking the Memeo AutoSync icon in your system tray and clicking (un-checking) Pause Sync Jobs. Note: If you have more than one sync plan, you must pause them all. Deleting sync plans To delete a sync plan, on the Memeo AutoSync main application window, click in the white space for the sync plan you want to delete, and then click Remove Sync Plan.