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Triple buffering gives you all the benefits of double buffering with no vsync enabled in addition to all the benefits of enabling vsync. We get smooth full frames with no tearing.
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It doesn't mean that RivaTuner will not work under Windows 9x/ME, but it does. Of RivaTunerStatisticsServer and D3DOverrider utilities causing these tools to.
These frames are swapped to the front buffer only on refresh, but they have just as little input lag as double buffering with no vsync at the start of output to the monitor. Even though 'performance' doesn't always get reported right with triple buffering, the graphics hardware is working just as hard as it does with double buffering and no vsync and the end user gets all the benefit with out the potential downside. Triple buffering does take up a handful of extra memory on the graphics hardware, but on modern hardware this is not a significant issue. Now, the article has one glaring omission, and that's advice as to how to enable triple buffering in games that don't use OpenGL (an increasingly tiny minority these days) or explicitly include an option to enable it ingame. Pass and seymour.

See, although your Nvidia and ATI control panel include to enable triple buffering in games, this setting only applies to OpenGL games, even though this may not be particularly clear. This is where D3DOverrider comes in, as it allows you to force vsync and triple buffering in any game that uses Direct3D, which is the vast majority of games on the market today. It uses close to zero resources, is easy to use with both global and per application profiles available and I consider it to be one of the most essential programs for any self respecting PC gamer. 'Detection level' to medium 'Force Triple Buffering' to on 'Force Vsync' to on I recommend that you do not force Vsync through your drivers in addition and just leave the setting to the default 'application controlled.'
Click to expand.Be it TF2,L4D2 i have vsync + max settings and will guarantee ill be near the top 5 on the server and have good aim IMO.I do miss the old HL1 smoothness i had when u never needed TB or Vsync on the days of the CRT its shocking how good it feels but its also shocking how bad TN panels and tearing is When u get to the point where you realise games are about having fun and enjoying youself and not trying to impress randoms with high frag counts you will see how VSYNC and a good IPS panel is a better way to enjoy games. Click to expand.VERY few games need the program, i dont have it installed and 99% of the big titles work fine by setting Nvidia CP TripleBuffering to off and vsync to application controlled and use the ingame settings as well.Maybe a few B list titles need this program but dont bother for BF3. PS this BF3 method has anyone tried not using it and still getting stutter? I have read about the BF3 stutter and realised that more frames ahead means smoother gameplay and if the BF3 method scraps 2 frames and uses the newest could this make the game seem a bit more choppy at the expense of lower input lag? Sorry for the possibly quite dumb question, but i'm getting a lot of conflicting info here. Most of the article is saying that the optimum is triple buffering and no vsync for screen tear elimination the responses to the comments section and the info about triple buffering in the control panel for my nvidia card says that triple buffering still needs vsync can someone clarify which is the right way to go about this, because this is exactly what ive been after *edit* well, to answer my own question i tried it out on the game ive been having the most screen tearing problems with and tried triple buffering with and without vsync.