Driver Tuner Dm 800 Clone No Ca Found Error
Jul 10, 2012 VU+ Duo2 Wetek Play Cloud Ibox 3 Openbox S6000 HD SIM 2.1 DM800SE SIM 2.1 DM500HD Estar V3 DM800SE VU+ Solo DM8000 Clone DM800HD Original TM9101 DS-CVS Dual Boot, jiboot, EDG Nemesis 4.2, Nabilo Darkstar. I have bought DM800 which is clone after flashing pli image it is displayed Dream Multimedia -> error! Look at w**.dm7020.c*m *ERR01: NO CA FOUND and after this its not possible to reconnect via Ethernet Network or Null Modem and I have treid everythink please could anyone save my £££.
I had the same trouble. Pretty easy to resolve though. You need patched DreamUP software which has been hacked to allow you to upload even though the box is not real - I used 'DreamUP_patched_by_forhike_and_natas.exe' which seemed to work well. Also get hold of some bootloader only images as uploading by serial takes ages. I think it varies per box depending on your SIM but I was able reflash mine with BL72, using a file I found on the web 'secondstage-dm800-72.nfi' you may also want to search for 62, 69, and 70 instead of 72 just in case 72 doesnt work on your box. You will also need a null modem (or crossover) serial cable to link between the COM port on your PC and the dreambox. First connect up the null modem cable between the serial port (COM port) on your PC and the dreambox with the dreambox switched off, run the patched version of dreamup, select which COM port you are using from the dropdown (ie COM1 or COM2 etc) and then click connect.
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Power up the dreambox, and you should see a progress bar on the DreamUp software working its way across. When it is finished press flash and browse to the bootloader only image file you want to load ie secondstage-dm800-72.nfi and let it flash - it shouldnt take long, but the dreambox will probably lock up when it is complete, so you need to very briefly remove power, hold down the standby button and reapply power.
That should solve your No CA found message. Now you need to reflash it with an image compatible with the clone. You can get recent images that have been hacked to work on older boot loaders - so finding one with your bootloader is the key. Assuming you have a DHCP server on your LAN (ie a router or something similar dishing out addresses) and the LAN cable connected it should start up, obtain an IP and display it on the screen so you are able to browse to it again using a web browser and flash it that way. Failing that repeat the process using DreamUP but this time ensure the network connection box is ticked before you start and that you have entered your IP address and the dreambox IP address correctly before switching the dreambox on after clicking connect on DreamUp, you can then flash it this way.
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Hopefully that will work. Best regards, Rob. Hi all So here what I found out so far - I Bought another DM800 to check the error of the first one & try to program the bad Dm800 with the new one & here how it went. I connected the new DM800 to with the null cable modem but there was no reaction!!! I tryed the cable with my DM 500s but it workes with it fine. Conclution is there is a problem the NULL MODEM CABLE seems there are defrent types & these one dont work with DM 800, I checked the cable & whats writting on it is 'AWM VW-I 80c 30V LOW VOLTAGE COMPUTER CABLE MADE IN CHINA' any one that is using defren type that workes please type it in to help out THAKS.
Hi Thanks allot for the help I will try the cable & can you please send the patched DreamUP, but I think I have all the versions that exist since I have been trying to fix the problem for a long time now. I have 2 dreambox800 one of them is fine & 1 serial cable that works ok with 500 but have issues with 800 I tried 2 Null modem cables with same result even when I try the one that works via com port the device is recognized only when I add the rj45 cable (network) then when trying to program it get stuck on the checksum calculation of the boot loader that I want to program. Please if you got any other ways I'll appreciate it, Thanks for the help again. Hi i tried this way and it worked for me! Nullmodem cable + crossover cable pluged in reciever and then pluged power cord in reciever.

DM800 started in serial flash mode and then i flash it with patched DREAMUP. Here is the new picture for nullmodem scheme in which i wrote which color wire is supose to conect with other color in case you have to nullmodem industrial cable and you cut off that two cable and make new one with female conectors. I don't know but this may help someone. Thanks and good luck lads!
You should be able to use the USB com port no problem, as long as your OS presents it correctly. Mine actually came into one of the COM1: to COM4: slots so the software worked with it fine.
And also yes - you can use the same cable configuration if you need to make your own null modem cable. In theory, even if your box is not working you should be able to flash it with the hacked version of dreamup. If you only use dreamup without running the hack then you will need a working box to substitute at the relevant moment. On the broken boxes I have reflashed I have never had a problem just using the hacked dream up software and not had to resort to using another working box to trick the software into making a connection.