Dupe Hack For Mu Season
Mar 19, 2018 - If u wana dupe u need catastrophe mu or something else u cant use dupe like click on 1 item and on same time esc. It`s just a shadow bug xD if.
Already in titan price up, any shit now cost 3x more than before, anubis set was 500b 600b, now 1k,1.,2kb; fruits was 3b, not is 5b,6b. I don t know how the things are now in other servers, but if webzen don t do something in one month, titan will be trading Souls like the others servers, don t matter how long time pass, webzen always do the same mistakes. Dupe zen ON, Dupe/BUG bless ON, pandora mining Hack ON, Suport OFF. Dupe Errtels ON, Dupe Itens ( i never see one working on GMO, but all that VM plls are using itens MAX, not noob itens, but pro itens max) so ON.
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I don t see other way. And if u think, the fact all this shit be working is the real probleme, u wrong, the real probleme is WEBZEN close your eyes about this shit, i NEVER see webzen do any official pronouncement about it, the way this company works just cover Hackers, if like, if u want use, USE IT and we will cover u. This is the webzen way. Can please, some GM do any official pronouncement, could even be in this topic, or in some place on forum, what webzen will do about this shits?
It just crash the game more and more. In Helheim market (server 6) you cant sell anything, but if you wanna buy have a lot kkk. Last week 1Elixir bunch=2Souls now no one want it more, and why? There are 3+ ppl in Gens spamming that sell Elixir bunchs(a lot)? Kkk how i take 24 hours to drop 4full bunch and these ppl having so many kkk. Another stuff, Jewel of Chaos here = 4S?
Kkk i am really sad but i will keep trying. Players left behind kkk. Highly compressed pc games less than 300mb. So is that why suport take so long to solve a ticket?
Ppl duping it? I really wish a good luck. I dont know for sure if its due to duping this time (although there always are people that dupe) I think we 've been having another huge artificial inflation of bless & souls, cause at least in TT soul-bless ratio is stable but all other jwls ratio to bless are increasing like crazy maybe that stupid 200b/200s special reward caused the prob, I know people that used bot to stamp for 200+ accounts during the event wich means 40kb/40ks from stamping imagine that x10 for networks that actually sell jwls as a business.
Theres a fact that should be considered. Bless been used for everithing, from seeds, to errtels, so, is normal that bless rise up, but price of 5-6s = 1b, is too high.
Must be facts from both, dupping, and players using all the time, witch rise the demand. Also, last stamp event, many users got jewels rewards.
I got friends that between all their accs, got from 1600 to 2400 bless/souls. If 10 users got 2000 bless from one day to another, thats 20.000 bless more on market from 1 day to another. With more for spend, more demand, seller can ask more.