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Posted: August 31, 2013 Author: Filed under:,,, Tags:,,,,, A few things on my mind today, some of which you might want to think about too. Bakery love I’m fond of the fruits and vegetables from the farmers’ market but I’m also a superfan of good bakeries. I discovered a new one today and you should try it. It’s at 3720 N Lincoln, just north of the Addison stop on the Brown line. Street parking should be pretty easy too. I bought some delicious berry scones and an apple-brie croissant baked in a muffin cup.
Festival Staff 41st International Film Festival Rotterdam PO Box AR. Nana, awarded the prize for best debut at the Locarno Film Festival, sees the. Foundation should handle the restoration of this Zola-esque monument, as it. In June 2008, Yang Jia carried a knife, a hammer, a gas mask, pepper spray,. Catherine Hessling (Nana) is a Parisian slum girl. Hessling in a publicity shot for 'Nana', 1926 French actress and the first wife of film director Jean Renoir.
Lots of delicious-looking cookies and cakes too. There’s another reason why you should visit Blue Sky Bakery. They provide employment and training for homeless and at-risk youth. So those deliriously luscious baked goods are also helping bring about social change. CBS Channel 2 did a story on Blue Sky recently. Borders at Solti Park I about these intriguing figures earlier this week in my Art Around Town roundup. Here’s another photo.
Photo by Nancy Bishop Theater pick Simpatico by Sam Shepard runs until September 15 at A Red Orchid Theatre. It’s a terrific show with a gripping first act so get a ticket if you possibly can.
That may not be easy because (1) the play has gotten four-star reviews and (2) it’s showing in the tiny A Red Orchid Theatre on Wells Street. The theater describes it like this: “High society meets low life in the slippery netherworld of thoroughbred racing. This tragic-comedy explodes when a simple phone call threatens to undo years of blackmail and false identities.” The small tough cast features Michael Shannon and Guy Van Swearingen.

It’s sold out but a standby ticket line forms one hour before each performance. Reading list The Mexican Girl by Jack Kerouac. I confess that every once in a while I look at the obituary page if I’m reading an actual newspaper, to see if anyone interesting or important died. One day last week, there was a gem of an. The woman who inspired the character Teresa or Terry in Jack Kerouac’s On the Road died at 92. The wonderful part is that she didn’t know the identity of the young man with whom she had a brief affair in 1947.
Wiso mein geld 2014 keygen crack download for mac. The short story, The Mexican Girl, was excerpted from the manuscript of On the Road and first published in The Paris Review in 1955. The review paid Kerouac $50 for the story. It was a big hit and resulted in the whole book being published by Viking Press in 1957. I thoroughly enjoyed rereading the story–it starts on page 74 of my edition of On the Road. If you can’t find yours, you can listen to an version of the story recorded in 2003.