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'FIX THE GAME ' This is a phrase that we’ve been hearing a lot lately. Bugs, performance problems, and quality-of-life issues have been limiting PUBG's true potential, and you want it fixed. So we think it's time to do something about it. 'FIX PUBG' is a months-long campaign to deliver the changes and improvements that you've been asking for. We've created a roadmap with specific details about our plans, and we intend to update it as we go, checking things off as we deliver on our promises. Check out the full details below.
• FRAME RATE Optimization Optimized weapons that are not currently held in hand, increasing the frame rate. Smokes and flames from the vehicles have been optimized to reduce frame rate hitches. Hitches Fixed an issue where frame rate hitches would occur when environment effects are created. COMPLETE • LOADING Level streaming has been enhanced to increase the loading speed of levels. Ufc undisputed 3 free download for android. COMPLETE • SERVER Adjusting Replication Rate Server performance has been improved by adjusting replication rate according to the distance from the player. Previously, replication for all visible characters in sight were refreshed every frame.
Now, replication rate differs according to distance from the player. COMPLETE • NET CODE Overall network codes has been adjusted to increase server performance. • DECREASE IN CHEATER RATIO Suspected Cheater Ratio The ratio of players who have been reported more than 5 times for cheating has greatly decreased since Q1 of this year. Improvements Since March This ratio started out as 0.43% in March, 2018, and peaked to 0.62%. Following a series of bans and augmented anti-cheat efforts, this ratio has recently decreased to 0.10%. It's Not Over We plan to continue enforcing aggresive anti-cheat initiatives to further bring down this ratio. COMPLETE • H/W BASED BANS Implemented a policy to collect H/W information of proven cheating program users to block game access for pertaining H/W.
TAGS; 48 Paragraph; 19 Oblique; 16 Headings; 11 Serif, Trans. 11 Display; 10 Monospaced; 9 Programming; 7 Bold; 7 Typewriter; 6 Sans, Humanist; 5 Serif. Dec 21, 2016 - We know we're not there yet, but by running PIXEL alongside Windows, Mac OS, and the established desktop GNU/Linux distros, we can more.
• ADS FIX Fixed the “ADS bug” that causes ADS to cancel when shooting on uneven ground / falling a tiny distance (or seemingly at random). COMPLETE • LIMB PENETRATION Implemented limb penetration (forearms no longer block headshot or torso damage). COMPLETE • FPP VEHICLE SOUNDS Slightly reduced vehicle sounds in FPP for players traveling inside them.
COMPLETE • DROP MECHANISM Item drop mechanisms have been improved. Fishbone truth and soul. - Quantity can now be adjusted using a slider. - Alt key + left mouse button immediately drops the item.