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>> >> M.V. Onkogeny i opuholevye supressory v regulyacii G1- i G2-chekpointov kletochnogo cikla, kontroliruyushih povrezhdeniya DNK Kursovaya rabota studenta 4-go kursa kafedry virusologii Biologicheskogo fakul'teta MGU. Moskva, 2001 Avtorskie prava sohraneny. Lyuboe kopirovanie dannogo teksta i/ili ego fragmentov bez razresheniya avtora zapresheno i presleduetsya v sootvetstvii s deistvuyushim zakonodatel'stvom RF. Literatura 1. Misheni deistviya onkogenov i opuholevyh supressorov: klyuch k ponimaniyu bazovyh mehanizmov kancrogeneza. Biohimiya, 65(1):5-33.
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