Microchip Hi Tech C Compiler Download
Independent Review of the Hi-Tech C compiler for Microchip PIC18x. Update on 10th November 2007 - tested the latest version of the Hi-Tech C compiler, v9.62. Compiler that lets you program in C (much easier than assembly). Eventually you may get to a pop-up box asking about installing a HI-TECH C Compiler. Get the MPLAB C-18 Lite Compiler off the Microchip website.
EBlocks: Embedded Systems Building Blocks University of California, Riverside Department of Computer Science Riverside, CA 92521 MPLAB IDE + HI-TECH PICC LITE Compiler- Installation and Setup Downloads The downloads below are freely available and downloadable from and websites. The MPLAB IDE and HI-TECH PIC C LITE Compiler downloads are provided here for convience.
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For system requirements, further details, updates, or patches consult the appropriate webpages. • Microchip MPLAB IDE 7.30 • HI-TECH PICC LITE v9.50 PL2 Installation • Download the 2 files listed above • MPLAB IDE 7.30 • Run the MPLAB installation file (MP730b.exe) • Follow the steps provided in the setup. • You should be prompted to reboot your computer, if not do so. • HI-TECH PICC LITE Compiler • Run the PICC LITE file (picclite-setup.exe) • Follow the steps provided in the setup. • Make sure you select option: Integrate PICC-Lite with Microchip MPLAB and Add to Environmental Path Setup • Start MPLAB IDE • Set Language Tool Location Path • Click on Project->Set Language Tool Locations.