Prorab Version 10 Cherez Programmu
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Basic concepts prorab is a non-recursive GNU make-based build system. Essentially it just provides convenient definitions for writing clean makefiles. The main feature of prorab is that it allows having independent makefiles in several subdirectories of the project and at the same time there can be a main makefile in root directory of the project which builds all those subprojects. And parallel building is still supported in that case. Also, prorab provides some predefined rules for easy building of C/C++ applications and libraries.
Including prorab into the makefile Including prorab in the make file is simple and obvious, just add the following directive in the beginning of the makefile include Basically, all makefiles in the project are supposed to use prorab and have this include directive as a first include. Right after inclusion of there will be following variables defined: • prorab_this_dir - directory where this makefile resides. • d - shorthand alias for prorab_this_dir • prorab_os - operating system where makefile is run, can be linux, macosx, windows.
Note, that windows is when building under Cygwin or Msys. • os - shorthand alias for prorab_os • prorab_lib_extension - typical extension for dynamically linked libraries in the OS (windows:.dll,, macosx:.dylib) • soext - shorthand alias for prorab_lib_extension • exeext - typical executable extension (windows:.exe, linux: empty, macosx: empty) Prorab definitions and variables naming conventions • Prorab definitions are named using hyphen-case and start with prorab- prefix.
• Output variables are named using snake case and start with prorab_ prefix. • Input variables are named using snake case and start with this_ prefix. Building subprojects with prorab As said before, prorab allows 'cascading' of makefiles. Say, you have two subdirectories in your project: app and test.

And both those directories contain some subproject which can be built independently. So, in both those directories there are project makefiles. Now, if we want to have a makefile in project root directory which builds both those subprojects, we can use prorab-build-subdirs definition and root makefile would look like this: include $(eval $(prorab-build-subdirs)) And that's it. This will invoke the same target on every subdirectory which has file named makefile.
Note, that parallel build is still supported since it is a non-recursive technique. Prorab definitions and input variables Before invoking most of the prorab definitions one has to set some input variables for the definition.
For example: this_name:= AppName this_cflags += -I$(d)./src -DDEBUG $(eval $(prorab-build-app)) After invoking some prorab definition there might be some output variables defined like, for example, prorab_this_name which represents the resulting filename of the created binary. Including other makefiles In order to include some other makefile one can use prorab-include function. This function will check if the makefile was already included or not and only include it if necessary. # Add dependency on some other artifact, e.g. Libstuff which is built by another makefile. # All targets generated by prorab use absolute paths, so need to use $(abspath) $(prorab_this_name): $(abspath $(d)./stuff/libstuff$(soext)) # include makefile for building libstuff $(eval $(call prorab-include,$(d)./stuff/makefile)).
Echoing commands from recipes All commands in prorab recipes are prefixed with @ by default, but it is possible to make it to be verbose by setting the verbose variable to true, like this: make verbose=true Valid values for verbose are true or false or not set. The v is a shorthand alias for verbose. If v is not set or set to 0 or false then it is equivalent to verbose=false. Otherwise, if v is set to any other value it is same as verbose=true.