Torrent Is Not Valid Bencoding Chto Eto

// 1.x - Parsing strings directly BString bstring = Bencode. DecodeString( '12:Hello World! '); BNumber bnumber = Bencode. DecodeNumber( 'i42e '); BList blist = Bencode. DecodeList( 'l3:foo3:bari42ee '); BDictionary bdictionary = Bencode. DecodeDictionary( 'd3:fooi42e5:Hello6:World!e '); // 2.0 - Parsing strings directly var parser = new BencodeParser(); BString bstring = parser. ParseString( '12:Hello World!

'); BNumber bnumber = parser. ParseString( 'i42e '); BList blist = parser.

ParseString( 'l3:foo3:bari42ee '); BDictionary bdictionary = parser. ParseString( 'd3:fooi42e5:Hello6:World!e '); // If you don't know the type you are parsing, you can use the non-generic method IBObject bobject = parser.

ParseString( '12:Hellow World! Download fifa 2005 full version

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