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Before you can login, you have to copy login.kreon.php from dn_webfiles.exe to your webserver -> the path must be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Better (for later use of patcher) extract the whole thing to that path. Replace 'YOURIP' to your ip, like above in - PatchConfigList.xml - PatchList.xml PatchInfoServer.cfg is the patchrevision (note the client above has patchrevision 13) /cashshop is used for the ingameshop /Launcher is used for the patcher(window)content. USE [DNMembership] GO DECLARE @return_value int EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[P_AddAccount] @nvcAccountName = N'USERNAME', @inyAccountLevelCode = 100, @inyCharacterCreateLimit = 4, @inyCharacterMaxCount = 4, @dt2LastLoginDate = NULL, @vchLastLoginIP = NULL, @intLastSessionID = NULL, @vchJoinIP = NULL, @inyPublisherCode = 4, @inyGenderCode = NULL, @datBirthDate = NULL, @vchPassphrase = N'PASSWORT', @inyNationalityCode = NULL, @inyChannelPartnerCode = NULL SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value GO 9. Passwords for archives.

DNMembership P_Login ~Line 329: WHERE CAST(CONVERT(char(16), @dt2Now, 121) AS smalldatetime) BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate; WHERE @dt2Now BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate; DNWorld P_ModPeriodicReset ~Line 42: VALUES (@inbCharacterID, @inyPeriodicResetCode, @intPeriodicResetValue, CAST(CONVERT(char(16), @dtmServerTime, 121) AS smalldatetime)); VALUES (@inbCharacterID, @inyPeriodicResetCode, @intPeriodicResetValue, @dtmServerTime); P_ModPeriodicReset ~Line 36: LastModifyDate = CAST(CONVERT(char(16), @dtmServerTime, 121) AS smalldatetime), LastModifyDate = @dtmServerTime 4. What do you use to unpack the server files? It asks for a password, and I gotten a.exe unpacker and it fails lol. What do you use to unpack the server files? It asks for a password, and I gotten a.exe unpacker and it fails lol.