Vba For Excel Serial Communication With Arduino Microcontroller
Dear AVR Pros, i am looking for an easy and affordable way to interface an SPI Daisy chain consisting of 30 or more ATmega8 Slaves with a Windows 7 PC with Excel VBA. I was thinking about an Arduino or something like that to receive serial commands from Excel and translating them to be fed on the SPI bus. Is this actually possible or is there maybe an easier way, such as a USB to SPI adapter which can be talked to via a virtual com port? I guess the AVRISP mkII can't be used for this since i couldn't figure out how to generate custom bytes at its SPI output.
I appreciate any kind of input, since i am quite a newbie in microcontrollers. Thank you very much in advance! Best regards. Thank you guys! @ clawson: after further investigation, the Arduino sounds like a good solution to me. I hope i didn't overlook any disadvantages which could affect my project.
Excel based oscilloscope using Arduino and VB.NET. The 'CerealCom' (as in Serial Communication system) interfaces an arduino board with Microsoft Excel. The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller with hardware input and output pins. Maurizio @ dev.emcelettronica.com discuss how we can do serial communication in Excel environment. Serial Port Communication in Excel (VBA).
I will only be using one SS-line and daisy chain the slaves together according to this connection scheme: So basically i will be pushing the data through all the slaves and they will filter out whats meant for them using unique addresses. @ awneil: can you tell me what is better about the expensive device, compared to an Arduino or the cheap USB devices you mentioned? I really appreciate your help guys, thank you!
I've seen this thread before, but can't see how it relates to the problem. Of course i will try to make the lines as short as possible, maybe even just stack the master and slave pcbs on top of each other. In post #3 of the mentioned thread there is an example calculation, mentioning a 28 feet distance at 8 mHz SPI clockrate.
Welcome to Club Hot Rod! Cooling lines on turbo 350-which is. How To Add An Automatic Transmission Cooler To Your Vehicle Posted by on Monday, August 5th, 2013 If you’re a regular follower of my articles on automatic transmissions, you’ve obviously heard me preach over and over again how important it is. Heat is by far the. How to Install a GM Turbo 350 Automatic Transmission. Turn the integral nut at the tip of each oil cooler pipe in a counterclockwise direction with a flare-nut. Read the tech article on a TH200-4R Transmission Swap - Tech Article, brought to you by the experts at Chevy High Performance Magazine. Re: Cooling line install question th350. Seems the factory used the bottom on the rad for hot out from the trans, and the top for cool back to the trans. You could search the web - i'm sure it would be easy to find. Or you could disconnect both lines at the rad, stick each into a plastic bottle and crank the motor over. The bottle with fluid in it is obviously hot line out. How to install a transmission cooler on a th350.
I don't even think that i will need 8 mHz since i only need to transmit 24 bit to each slave with an update rate of maybe 20 ms. Is there something i'm overlooking?
Thank you very much! Best regards. Prizefighter wrote: @ awneil: can you tell me what is better about the expensive device, compared to an Arduino or the cheap USB devices you mentioned? Well, what constitutes 'better' depends entirely on the particular requirements! You can see an overview of key features & performance here: Trying to think back (it was a couple of years ago), IIRC, the key requirement was for an SPI Slave; which is what ruled-out the FTDI devices - but doesn't matter for you.
Also, being a supported off-the-shelf unit, in a proper case, was a big plus. Quote: Can you give me an example how this would be implemented hard- and softwarewise?I can't give you a better example than Google can.:) It has also been discussed here countless times: Consider also I2C (aka TWI) or 1-WIRE. Your requirement of 24 bits every 20 ms is easily managed by all of those. That's a total of 1.2 kbps per slave. With 30 slaves, that's 36 kbps.